How can you help us Donate the 5x1000 It is a very important means of support to Wecare initiatives You can give it to WECARE ONLUS c.f. 01330580059 Località Viatosto n° 24 – 14100 ASTI – ITALY
Become member Your annual contribution will put us in a position to act!! To subscribe Wecare is very easy: just send a minimum contribution of 10 € as an ordinary member, or € 25 as a supporting member. Members are required to be available to give part of their time for the association activities. Become supporter You can give a free fee as often as desired without any other commitment Organize events In order to gather funding to support projects.
Your contribution can be transmitted in one of the following ways: with a bank transfer IBAN IT68X0303210300010000001482 with a payment on postal account n° 73840522 in the name of Wecare onlus by participating in our events