From my very first day, I received so much love from my family and my parents' friends that, together with my mum and dad, we thought of something special on the occasion of my Holy Baptism. I would like to share all the love I received with children who did not have the same good fortune as me. In Uganda, mum and dad have many missionary friends who can give life to the Marta project. It consists of financial aid to give care, dignity and confidence in the future to many children. I look forward to seeing you at my Christening and the snack that will follow! If you would like to give me a nice gift, you can make a donation to We Care Onlus,
IBAN IT68 X030 3210 3000 1000 0001 482 indicating 'Marta project donation 2023' as the reason for payment.
P.s. Mum and Dad remind me to tell you that donations are deductible.
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