New equipment from Germany for the Pope John XXIII hospital in Aber
Medical equipment collected by Dr. Giacomo Bonavita and donated by the Ketteler Krankenhaus Hospital in Offenbach am Main and Dr. Zelijko Zenic has arrived at the Pope John XXIII Hospital in Aber. Dr Zelijko Zenic donated the Dräger anaesthesia ventilator and various surgical instruments. Among the equipment donated by the Ketteler Krankenhaus are four patient monitors, several infusion pumps, an electrocardiograph, an electronic pressure and oxygenation meter, and disposable sutures. Thanks to the generous support of the operating department, the administration of the German hospital in Offenbach am Main, and Dr Zenic, it was possible for Dr Bonavita to collect this large quantity of equipment and deliver it to Italy for shipment by container to Uganda. The equipment will be used in the new operating theatre of the Pope John XXIII Hospital in Aber. Our sincere thanks go to the Ketteler Krankenhaus in Offenbach am Main and to Dr Zenic.
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